Sunday, June 3, 2007

R2V Year 2 Roundup: A Heartfelt Thank You

Salam & Dear Srikandis,

My family got back home from HSKBP 2007 yesterday evening. Too tired (gruelling heat for 5 days!) to write anything. Also, apologies for the short replies to most smses after our victory over SSP. I probably didn't reply to some msgs kot... Thank you once again for the support, prayers & wishes.

For the record, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the following people:

Warga STF (Pn Pengetua, PKs, Guru-guru, Pemandu, Wardens) yg telah memberi sokongan jitu kepada R2V. Saya tahu ada kalanya idea R2V memang pelik & sukar difahami - membawa pasukan lelaki menjalani kem intensif di STF atau berkampung di MCKK untuk menyertai kem yang sama? Kenapa? R2V percaya Dynamites perlu melihat & merasa sendiri apa CHAMPION team sanggup lalui untuk kekal JUARA. Cikgu Ita, pls sampaikan ucapan penghargaan kami kepada semua yg terlibat, ya.

Mr. Liew: No words can express how I grateful I am for your MAGIC TOUCH in transforming the girls team within one season. Many occassions you expressed your challenges to coach a girls' team (easy to yell, scold & walkout at boys but girls??? ). Anyway, you did GREAT SIR! I was amazed at times, you called for time out during crucial moments not to tell them strategies but just to ask them to take a deep breath to settle down. Your wisdom during crucial moments to lead the team to victory is incredible! When Ise introduced you as 'Tok Bomoh' the first time I met you mid-2003 proves to be appropriate- you read opponent's game correctly & predicted precisely what they will do & you quickly came out with a strategy to counter what they did. Not many coaches have that ability.

Coach Halim: What is an MC oldboy doing in STF?? I suspect you agreed to help in coaching the team for one of the following reasons: 1. love for basketball or 2. a request from Mr. Liew 3. only you know... For whatever reason(s), I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. All your sacrifices between lectures & going to STF court during the weekdays. Pls also thank your wife, Nurul & children for sharing their father with so many girls. Their support means a lot to us too. We hope you all will continue to be R2V family...

MCOBs Alep'06 & Que'05: Thank you for helping the Dynamites eventho both of you were at times MALU to speak semasa coaching them in the absence of Mr. Liew or K.Spena. You did great!

SK Spena: You have been my right wing in realising R2V dreams. Your dedication & sacrifices towards this project are awesome! You sanggup spent your Fridays chasing the buses in Puduraya, slept on the bus to JB and again chased the buses in Larkin Sunday evenings to be in KL on Monday mornings to get back in the office. At times, you passed your frustrations to me for the delays or bus rosak ;-))) You never bothered applying sunblock like most ladies because winning is everything to you. I'm glad you were there to receive the cup this year as a coach. In 1991, you held the cup as a player ;-)

SK Hana: If Spena is my right wing, you have always played the role as my left wing.. Lifting me up towards our R2V goals. Whenever, I was unavailable, u always stepped in to do what needed to be done. No complaints uttered! All along 'Ok, kak...' You understood I have two teams with 100 children to handle eventho you have not been a mother. At times, Safina & you helped me with my own children or MC Cagers too..

Presidents & Excos SKTF 05/07 & 07/09, thank you for trusting my leadership in R2V. My requests from the association (Srikandi Tun Fatimah) have been granted each and everytime without much questions. I feel good each time Treasurer, Vice Presidents tanya, 'K.Ana, R2V ada cukup duit tak? Beritahu whatever amount yang you need...' Knowing this at the back of my mind, made me more motivated to lead this cause. President baru (K.Mariamah) lagi agresif.. As soon as she took over, she said this to me, "How much R2V needs a year? We look for the money..." I told her about SKTF sponsoring a room di K.Tinggi for Srikandis yg ingin menyokong, she said, "Never mind, I'll pay for the room." Thank you K.Mariamah!

All Srikandis yg telah memberi words of encouragements, prayers, support in whatever ways (jurugambar, tukang jahit capsters, webmaster, driver Dynamites, in-house pharmacist, doctor, tutors, counselor, food contributors, etc...) I cannot thank you all more...

To the generous Srikandis I must thank you for the financial support. Money Talks.. without money we couldn't do much. Semoga Allah sahaja yang boleh memberi lebih rezeki to all of you... Ada juga Srikandi yang I terpaksa jawab, " I think you have contributed enough for the year. Let others do their part pulak. If I still tak cukup, I'll let you know & then baru you contribute lagi.." (you know who u r)

We managed to run the project with lesser amount of money compared to the first season because two major intensive camps were held in SESMA (Dec) & STF (1st school break '07). We saved a lot of money on accomodation. I apologise if I have missed some of the names. Pls update me for the record. I know Hana, Spena & a few others memang tak ter'rekod personal expenses.' Halal aje ke?

Ise '80: my dear husband whom introduced me to basketball during our days in USA. Brought me to MCKK end 2003 for an intensive camp & introduced me to the players - some so small I wondered if they were really basketballers? How wrong I am when one of the 'little boys' turned out MVP this year. Great play & Congratulations Em (Mohamad)! Tq Dear for understanding my drive to help the Dynamites & for being very supportive towards R2V. We have became expert on managing 100 children ;-) We shared our ups/downs in realising Q4G & R2V. We kept each other motivated to not loose sight of our goals. Last year, when MC came out Champ & STF became runner-up, I was happy. Not too bad for setahun jagung R2V. Itu pun menumpang Q4G sikit-sikit. But when Q4G & R2V became a BIG family, the double victories made me TRULY ???? not sure what words to use. So, shall we do it again for another year?

MCOBs - Dr. Aidi, Jimmy, Azran & wife, Latiff & family (coach SESMA), Dr. Nase (coach SMS Machang), Azhar '80 & children, Kaio '80, Dato Sarp & Datin Lyn, Kushai '80, Ikram & family (Kuala Terengganu), Alep, Mijie, Gto, Qassim, Que & ramai lagi yang tolong jerit & sokong dalam tent while STF was trying to steal the cup from SSP. Tanpa suara you all, manalah cukup jeritan dari Srikandis pagi tu?

MC Cagers - Thank you for inspiring the Dynamites to be a champ like you guys. I think you have shown them the way. Also Rahmat & Cagers, don't worry about Sir paid attention to the girls; I could see he's very passionate about his Cagers much more :-)

Warga The Malay College - Tn Pengetua (En Rauhi), PKs (Cikgu Roslan, Cikgu Fairuz, Cikgu Shamsudin), Guru-guru/Wardens, pemandu (En Megat, En Annas): terima kasih daun keladi kerana memberi kebenaran TF Dynamites berkampung di MC & menumpang bas MC bila perlu. Cikgu Fairuz, tlg sampaikan ucapan kami kepada semua di Kolej.

Maka tamatlah 'Return-2-Victory' musim ke 2. Insyallah, jika di panjangkan umur & Srikandi sekalian sanggup memberi sokongan kepada pasukan R2V, kita ketemu lagi di musim ke 3 untuk mempertahankan kejuaraan di tahun 2008 di Jitra, Kedah. Srikandi di kawasan Kedah/Perlis, BERSEDIA!!

Maju maju maju segera maju
Berbaris menempuh rintangan
Tun Fatimah maju sama maju
Mencapai cita-cita
Dan harapan ibu pertiwi
Kamilah penuntut Tun Fatimah
Mendukung cita-cita yang suci
Bergerak maju cita dituju
Di bawah semangat dan urat nadi

Ana Abd-Jabbar '80
Coordinator 'R-2-V'


Anonymous said...

You are mistaken. I can prove it.

Anonymous said...
