Thursday, June 28, 2007

The day..

Hari ni hari 'keramat' untuk ahli2 pancaragam Sekolah Tun Fatimah. Hari ini, tanggal 28hb Jun 2007, akan berlangsung pertandingan pancaragam bagi peringkat negeri Johor. Pfftt. Sebenarnya,bukan ahli2 pancaragam sahaja yang terasa bahangnya, bekas2 ahli pancaragam turut merasakan perkara yang sama. Goosebumps!

Believe me or not, pagi tadi lapar ya amat b4 sampai ke office. Sampai ke office, on pc, popupreminder luas terbentang depan mata. Damn! 'Band comp arini'. Terus hilang selera. *Mcm kite plaknak bertanding :p* Yang sedihnye, sekarang ni, Band Comp selalu diadakan pada hari2 weekdays, bukanlagi weekend macam dulu2. Boring betol! Macam mane nak p sokong? I remembered in the year 2002/2003, masa National Comp, ramai Srikandi yang turun sokong coz it was on the weekend. Seronok la sket.

Masih terasa-rasa the time when we were going for band comp. That was 13 years ago, aite Inaleem? Rase nak demam pon ade. Pagi petang siang malam la pektis. Dgn 1 tujuan - we want to win! 'Musuh'tradisi STF - SIGS disebut2 sebagai juara mase tu. Ye la. SIGS band mmg glamer kat Johor.Although STF boleh dikatakan glamer jugak mase tu, *sbb byk la jugak wat performance*, tp SIGS mmg disebut2 la sbg Johan.

Sebelom kami bertolak, we did another round of practice @ hockey field. Our batch turun beramai2 bagisupport la kat we all. Perghh.. The pressure was damn.. Tak boleh nak gambarkan mase tu. We were shoutingto the juniors dlm line. Sorang2 muke mcm harimau, singa sumer ada. Pressure!

We arrived @ Dataran Bandaraya dan terus solat Zohor. Sambil tu dah denga dah band2 skolah lain warm up.There were SIGS, SDJ, skool from Segamat, and ade lagi 1 skool. Tak silap mase tu we all perform no 4 b4 SIGS. The skool from Segamat starts first. SDJ dgn api2 lagi. Then finally it was our turn to perform. Masuk padang, then the rest was history. That year, was the 1st time we all use American style marching. Tak sepenuhnya tp ade la march ala2 ketam sumer tu. Lenguh ok!

The time has finally come for the result. STF dok kat belah kiri skali. EC boys were standing rite next to me.'Kak.. kak.. anak buah akak nangis tu' I was numb to be honest. Numb coz I dunno our faith. Numb coz SIGS was good too. And yes, anak2 buah percussionist, ade yg nangis. Tatau la nangis takut ke ape. 'STF menang ni kak. Dun worry' Sib baik la aku dlm baris, kalau tak mau aku hempok aje mamat ni. But hey, thank u for believing in STF! Hehehe. When the announcer announced SIGS as the runner up, makin la berdebar2 jantung ini. And yes, kita ditabalkan juara pada tahun itu. Feels like touching the sky.

My wish for today is, for STF to regain the Championship title. Though we, the Srikandi Band were unable toattend the event, doa kami sentiasa bersama2 STF band. I believe fellow Srikandi will pray for the gals too. Baru atau lama, dulu atau sekarang, the spirit within never change.

Spirit, Solid, Smart!


Anonymous said...

kudos to STF band team!let us bring back the glory..yeah!

Anonymous said...

kudos to STF band team!let us bring back the glory..yeah!

Inty Winty said...

hehe..I was there. Was just a member of SIGS Primary at that time, but both my sisters were in the SIGS Military Band. What a sad sad day for us.

p/s:sorry enterframe hehe