We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won!
We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won!
We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won!
We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won!
Victory is ours!

Updated at 4 p.m
Every we go....people want to know...
Who we are.....so we tell them
We are the Champion...mighty mighty Champion
Hey ho....hey ho......
Sapa masih ingat n visualise laungan dan sorakan seperti di atas?!
Hmm....after such a sleepless nite and pacing the floor as early as 5am this
morning, I can finally put up my feet n enjoy my cup of coffee while still
smiling from ear to ear.
Apart from rejoicing over the "Federal Court dismisses Lina Joy's appeal" to
have her religious status adjudicated.....this claiming back the trophy after 16
years.....is the best news ever!!!! Syukur Alhamdulillah....
On behalf of alumni Srikandi, we wish to salute the followings:
1. Dynamites - Gals you ROCK! You're d BOOM! Well done and for all the hard
work be assured that you all will be well rewarded. Keep up d good work sisters.
2. Coaches - Mr. Liew, Bro Halim, Bro Ise, Spena (do I miss anybody)?. You
guys are a real mentor and sumber inspirasi to all. What else can we say but
kudos to all, our hats off, thumbs up. GOOD JOB COACHES! YOU'RE THE BEST!
3. Support team - Kak Ana, Hana......you're the backbone of the team. Gals,
YOU ALL ARE SIMPLY AMAZING! Portrays such superb dedication and so inspiring to
the team....it's not possible without you all. CONGRATULATIONS! Opps.....not
forgetting "perunding imej" team kita. None other than the sassy Molly yg
bersengkang mata 24jam menjahitkan 2 sets of capsters for the players. Glamour
betoi team kita mcm ala2 "Flo Jo" the sprinter gitu. Class lah you
Molly.....kalau ada award for the smartest and glamourous basketball outfit,
confirmlah dapat kat Dynamites! huhuhuhu......bila nak mass produce? Bole jual
4. Warga Srikandi - Congrats and a big thank you to you all as well. Your
prayers, financially support and encouragement really boost the team spirit. We
are so united in ensuring the team won the title that I strongly believe that
our prayers are finally answered. I felt so blessed to be associated with all of
you ...syukur alhamdulillah diatas kebesaran NYA. Amin......
Insyaallah, kita akan mengadakan khenduri kesyukuran. Will have to get consent
from Mdm President who has just landed in London this morning. Last but not
least lets pat ourself on the back! hehehehe.....good job STFIANS!!!!!!!
Salam sayang,
Sue Nafri (VP1 @ ex Capt 9)