The official Srikandi Tun Fatimah blog can be found at Salam Srikandi Tun Fatimah.
This blog is maintained in READ ONLY mode starting 30th November 2009. However, the chat box will remain active.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
TF Dynamite : Game Schedule : SSP Cyberjaya
TF Dynamites will be defending their championship and going for the
third title in a row. This also marks the 4th year of Srikandi
Return-2-Victory project initiated and head by SK Norhana Jabbar '80.
This year tourney will be held at SSP Cyberjaya and will start this Friday 29/5
till 1/6.
The Schedule:
Friday 29/05/09
9.30am :STF vs SEMESTI
Saturday 30/5/09
8.00am :STF vs SMESH
5.00pm :SMSTMFP vs STF
31/5/09 Sunday
11.00am :STF vs SEMASHUR
5.00pm : STF vs SSP
1/6/09 Monday
8.00am or 9.30am depending on the result of the 1st round
5.00pm on 1/6/09 Monday
For the uninitiated, our head coach is Mr Liew Yong Choon who is also
MC Cagers coach. Our coach are En Halim Husein from UTM and En Ihsan
aka Abg Ise (K.AnaJabbar hubby). Both were Mr. Liew's player sometimes
in the 70's.
So girls, don you long sleeve, sun block, cap/topi/payung and brave the
malaysia summer heat to support our girls fight for the tittle. The SSP
girls have been training sooo to get back the championship trophy which
they have lost to us after retaining it for more than 10 years. This
time they mean business - they are the host.
The games will be at SSP court D.
Jangan lupa jugak ajak cik kiah, kak tipah, makcik gayah dan juga semua
kawan2 sepermainan di STF dulu untuk sama-sama menjerit and melompat di
tepi gelanggang. It's surely a huge stress reliever - tak tipu punye.
SK Hana '91
third title in a row. This also marks the 4th year of Srikandi
Return-2-Victory project initiated and head by SK Norhana Jabbar '80.
This year tourney will be held at SSP Cyberjaya and will start this Friday 29/5
till 1/6.
The Schedule:
Friday 29/05/09
9.30am :STF vs SEMESTI
Saturday 30/5/09
8.00am :STF vs SMESH
5.00pm :SMSTMFP vs STF
31/5/09 Sunday
11.00am :STF vs SEMASHUR
5.00pm : STF vs SSP
1/6/09 Monday
8.00am or 9.30am depending on the result of the 1st round
5.00pm on 1/6/09 Monday
For the uninitiated, our head coach is Mr Liew Yong Choon who is also
MC Cagers coach. Our coach are En Halim Husein from UTM and En Ihsan
aka Abg Ise (K.AnaJabbar hubby). Both were Mr. Liew's player sometimes
in the 70's.
So girls, don you long sleeve, sun block, cap/topi/payung and brave the
malaysia summer heat to support our girls fight for the tittle. The SSP
girls have been training sooo to get back the championship trophy which
they have lost to us after retaining it for more than 10 years. This
time they mean business - they are the host.
The games will be at SSP court D.
Jangan lupa jugak ajak cik kiah, kak tipah, makcik gayah dan juga semua
kawan2 sepermainan di STF dulu untuk sama-sama menjerit and melompat di
tepi gelanggang. It's surely a huge stress reliever - tak tipu punye.
SK Hana '91
Thursday, May 7, 2009
South Zone Champion ...... again.
Salam Sisters,
Just to officially announce that STF Dynamites has beaten TKC 32-19 during
the final at HKSBP di Mersing. Both schools will represent the south zone
end of this month at Sek Seri Puteri, Cyberjaya.
Thanks to all Srikandi yang menyokong, memberi semangat serta doa sehingga
kita berjaya ke tahap ini. Special thanks to SK Saidah'80 kerana telah
provide accomodation for R2V coaches. Kak Mariamah, thanks for the dinner
treat. Everyone asked me to sampaikan ucapan terima kasih to you.... To the
rest, terima kasih di atas doa-doa..
Will keep you posted on the schedule for the national level finals di
Cyberjaya soon....
Ana Abd Jabbar
Just to officially announce that STF Dynamites has beaten TKC 32-19 during
the final at HKSBP di Mersing. Both schools will represent the south zone
end of this month at Sek Seri Puteri, Cyberjaya.
Thanks to all Srikandi yang menyokong, memberi semangat serta doa sehingga
kita berjaya ke tahap ini. Special thanks to SK Saidah'80 kerana telah
provide accomodation for R2V coaches. Kak Mariamah, thanks for the dinner
treat. Everyone asked me to sampaikan ucapan terima kasih to you.... To the
rest, terima kasih di atas doa-doa..
Will keep you posted on the schedule for the national level finals di
Cyberjaya soon....
Ana Abd Jabbar
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
From the President's desk
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Dear Srikandis,
Alhamdullilah the 22nd AGM of Srikandi Tun Fatimah was carried out within
the ambit of the Constitution of our Society. The proceedings went smoothly
in accordance to the Agenda. There were tablings of the various reports by
the EXCO 2007-2009. The reports were accepted with some amendments.
Srikandis, the good news is, through the committment of the EXCO 2007-2009
and our members we have now a sum of $$$$$ in fixed deposit which will
be untouched ( a resolution to enact such was passed in the AGM ) which will
form the foundation of funds towards having Srikandi Tun Fatimah own
premise. So Srikandis, lets link our arms together to continue to increase
the fund for the Srikandi Tun Fatimah building. And heartiest felt
congratulations to the EXCO 2007-2009 to have been able to pull such a feat!
In accordance to the Constitution of our society a new set of office-bearers
was elected. The following are the office-bearers:
President : SK Mek Yam Jusoh ('72)
VP1 : SK Siti Nor Rina Nawawi (72);
VP2 : SK Sharifah Zaida Nurlisha (82)
Sec : SK Dalina Ismail (74);
A Sec : SK Maria Haron (87);
Treasurer: SK Norlia Roslie (87)
SK Harsa Afina Mat Sakim (90)
SK Habibah Baharudin (65)
SK Dr Mariana Hj Ahamad (82)
SK Adibah Kasmuni (83)
SK Mumtazah (83)
SK Wardah Zainal Abidin (74)
SK Shi'aratul Akmar (82)
SK Najwa Hisham (80)
The above office bearers look forward to contribute to our society, the
Srikandi Tun Fatimah. However without the assistance from all members the
wish would remain a wish. We look forward to have an interactive forum and
exchange of ideas for the betterment of our society, Srikandi Tun Fatimah
and its members as well as be the sounding board for our alma mater,
Sekolah Tun Fatimah.
The nucleus of our communications and networking will be the Batch
Coordinators. For a start, I would like to call upon the Batch Coordinators
to contact SK Maria Haron.
We look forward to have a meaningful 2009-2011.
On behalf of the EXCO 2009-2011,
Yours sincerely,
SK Mek Yam Jusoh (72)
Dear Srikandis,
Alhamdullilah the 22nd AGM of Srikandi Tun Fatimah was carried out within
the ambit of the Constitution of our Society. The proceedings went smoothly
in accordance to the Agenda. There were tablings of the various reports by
the EXCO 2007-2009. The reports were accepted with some amendments.
Srikandis, the good news is, through the committment of the EXCO 2007-2009
and our members we have now a sum of $$$$$ in fixed deposit which will
be untouched ( a resolution to enact such was passed in the AGM ) which will
form the foundation of funds towards having Srikandi Tun Fatimah own
premise. So Srikandis, lets link our arms together to continue to increase
the fund for the Srikandi Tun Fatimah building. And heartiest felt
congratulations to the EXCO 2007-2009 to have been able to pull such a feat!
In accordance to the Constitution of our society a new set of office-bearers
was elected. The following are the office-bearers:
President : SK Mek Yam Jusoh ('72)
VP1 : SK Siti Nor Rina Nawawi (72);
VP2 : SK Sharifah Zaida Nurlisha (82)
Sec : SK Dalina Ismail (74);
A Sec : SK Maria Haron (87);
Treasurer: SK Norlia Roslie (87)
SK Harsa Afina Mat Sakim (90)
SK Habibah Baharudin (65)
SK Dr Mariana Hj Ahamad (82)
SK Adibah Kasmuni (83)
SK Mumtazah (83)
SK Wardah Zainal Abidin (74)
SK Shi'aratul Akmar (82)
SK Najwa Hisham (80)
The above office bearers look forward to contribute to our society, the
Srikandi Tun Fatimah. However without the assistance from all members the
wish would remain a wish. We look forward to have an interactive forum and
exchange of ideas for the betterment of our society, Srikandi Tun Fatimah
and its members as well as be the sounding board for our alma mater,
Sekolah Tun Fatimah.
The nucleus of our communications and networking will be the Batch
Coordinators. For a start, I would like to call upon the Batch Coordinators
to contact SK Maria Haron.
We look forward to have a meaningful 2009-2011.
On behalf of the EXCO 2009-2011,
Yours sincerely,
SK Mek Yam Jusoh (72)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
AGM 2009 Announcement
28th March 2009: 2 pm
Impiana KLCC Hotel
Jumble Sale
New exco election
28th March 2009: 2 pm
Impiana KLCC Hotel
Jumble Sale
New exco election
(Volunteers for exco line-up are most welcomed. )
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Such a lovely group photo.

This was taken after the Srikandi dinner on 21st February 09 at Impiana KLCC. I know it's not easy to identify each of us, but it can be done if you have a microscope.
A biiig Thank You to all Srikandis who made it that night and another huuuuuuuge Thank You for the biiiiig contribution.
To all Srikandis who missed it, hope to see you in the next event. You were missed that night, ;)
P/s: The night was glittering with countless camera flashes. Kalah Oscar night.
Monday, February 16, 2009
FAQ Dinner S4S
1. S: Dinner untuk apa ni?
J: Dinner ini untuk lancar dan kutip dana untuk projek yang khusus untuk kita-kita, bekas pelajar STF. Nama projek ini ialah S4S, singkatan untuk Srikandi-for-Srikandi. Itulah sebabnya harganya RM3000 per meja. InsyaAllah kita harapkan lebih 60% dapat dijana sebagai derma kepada tabung. Jika ada di antara kita yang tak dapat hadir ke dinner ini, jangan risau, masih boleh menderma kepada tabung S4S selepas ini.
2. S: Bila dan Di mana dinner ni?
J: Tempat: Impiana KLCC Hotel & Spa, 13, Jalan Pinang, Kuala Lumpur. Ia sederet dengan Ascot.
Tarikh: 21 Feb 2009,
Sabtu - mula lepas maghrib,
Pakaian: Glam-Glam
3. S: Senang tak nak park kereta nanti?
J: Memang susah sikit sebab tempatnya di hotel tu terhad. So jika bawa kereta dan tidak mahu guna khidmat "valet", boleh park di tempat parking umum di hadapan hotel. So perlahankan kereta dan himpit ke kiri selepas melepasi Mandarin Oriental, bagi signal kiri dan lihat sign board "PARKING" di sebelah kiri. Harga, tak berapa pasti...maybe RM6 kot. Gelap sikit dan jaga sikit kalau pakai kasut tinggi bila jalan kat tempat parking tu. ok.
Then cross the street to the hotel. (ada zebra crossing and flicker-flicker your eye-lashes for the cars to stop;)
4. S: Apa agenda dinner nanti?
J: Seperti biasa, agenda utama dinner, adalah makan... tapi dinner kali ini, ada 3 perkara unik: a) Makan cara BUFFET sebabnya: lebih banyak pilihan dan boleh ikut selera masing2.
b) Dinner: tidak formal dan mirip kepada zaman "Annual Party" di STF dulu-dulu. Penghibur: Kita-kita jelah.. Adik2 zaman moden, katanya dah tak ada annual party.
c) Menderma sambil bersilaturrahim
Namun, kita akan bahagikan dinner kita kepada 3 bahagian utama:
Bahagian pertama: iaitu sebelum makan - penerangan mengenai S4S ni. Ucapan2 pembukaan mestilah ada.
Bahagian ke-2: Makan. sesi berkenalan 'networking' dan pertunjukan (rahsia...tungguu) Bahagian ke-3: Deklamasi sajak, gurindam, dsb, karaoke oleh kita-kita.
Lucky draw insyaAllah ada juga.
5. S: Bila dan bagaimana saya nak kena bayar untuk dinner ni?
J: Oh soalan cepu mas tu!! Tolonglah bayar sebelum datang ke dinner. Ini amat memudahkan AJK dinner yang sudah memang nak patah kaki dan tangan....
Ada 2 cara bayaran:
i) bayar kepada ANIS, masuk ke dalam akaun persatuan: MAYBANK 01410 5411706 PBPP SEK TUN FATIMAH JB (ini tak boleh buat via maybank2u; bankin slip perlu bawa ke dinner)
ii) bayar melalui maybank2u: akaun Siti Normala MAYBANK: 1627 4009 0897
6. S: ehmm apa lagi nak tanya ek? oh.. apa yang patut saya sediakan ke dinner tu nanti?
J: ok.. kita akan buka meja jualan barangan SkTF sikit, so bawalah cash, sebab credit card belum buka akaun dengan visa/mastercard lagi, dan oh ye tolong bawa BANYAK NAMECARD sendiri. Pen dan kertas akan disediakan oleh penganjur.
Jumpa di sana di sana di sanaaaaaaa!!
Kak Wa/ SK Wardah
1. S: Dinner untuk apa ni?
J: Dinner ini untuk lancar dan kutip dana untuk projek yang khusus untuk kita-kita, bekas pelajar STF. Nama projek ini ialah S4S, singkatan untuk Srikandi-for-Srikandi. Itulah sebabnya harganya RM3000 per meja. InsyaAllah kita harapkan lebih 60% dapat dijana sebagai derma kepada tabung. Jika ada di antara kita yang tak dapat hadir ke dinner ini, jangan risau, masih boleh menderma kepada tabung S4S selepas ini.
2. S: Bila dan Di mana dinner ni?
J: Tempat: Impiana KLCC Hotel & Spa, 13, Jalan Pinang, Kuala Lumpur. Ia sederet dengan Ascot.
Tarikh: 21 Feb 2009,
Sabtu - mula lepas maghrib,
Pakaian: Glam-Glam
3. S: Senang tak nak park kereta nanti?
J: Memang susah sikit sebab tempatnya di hotel tu terhad. So jika bawa kereta dan tidak mahu guna khidmat "valet", boleh park di tempat parking umum di hadapan hotel. So perlahankan kereta dan himpit ke kiri selepas melepasi Mandarin Oriental, bagi signal kiri dan lihat sign board "PARKING" di sebelah kiri. Harga, tak berapa pasti...maybe RM6 kot. Gelap sikit dan jaga sikit kalau pakai kasut tinggi bila jalan kat tempat parking tu. ok.
Then cross the street to the hotel. (ada zebra crossing and flicker-flicker your eye-lashes for the cars to stop;)
4. S: Apa agenda dinner nanti?
J: Seperti biasa, agenda utama dinner, adalah makan... tapi dinner kali ini, ada 3 perkara unik: a) Makan cara BUFFET sebabnya: lebih banyak pilihan dan boleh ikut selera masing2.
b) Dinner: tidak formal dan mirip kepada zaman "Annual Party" di STF dulu-dulu. Penghibur: Kita-kita jelah.. Adik2 zaman moden, katanya dah tak ada annual party.
c) Menderma sambil bersilaturrahim
Namun, kita akan bahagikan dinner kita kepada 3 bahagian utama:
Bahagian pertama: iaitu sebelum makan - penerangan mengenai S4S ni. Ucapan2 pembukaan mestilah ada.
Bahagian ke-2: Makan. sesi berkenalan 'networking' dan pertunjukan (rahsia...tungguu) Bahagian ke-3: Deklamasi sajak, gurindam, dsb, karaoke oleh kita-kita.
Lucky draw insyaAllah ada juga.
5. S: Bila dan bagaimana saya nak kena bayar untuk dinner ni?
J: Oh soalan cepu mas tu!! Tolonglah bayar sebelum datang ke dinner. Ini amat memudahkan AJK dinner yang sudah memang nak patah kaki dan tangan....
Ada 2 cara bayaran:
i) bayar kepada ANIS, masuk ke dalam akaun persatuan: MAYBANK 01410 5411706 PBPP SEK TUN FATIMAH JB (ini tak boleh buat via maybank2u; bankin slip perlu bawa ke dinner)
ii) bayar melalui maybank2u: akaun Siti Normala MAYBANK: 1627 4009 0897
6. S: ehmm apa lagi nak tanya ek? oh.. apa yang patut saya sediakan ke dinner tu nanti?
J: ok.. kita akan buka meja jualan barangan SkTF sikit, so bawalah cash, sebab credit card belum buka akaun dengan visa/mastercard lagi, dan oh ye tolong bawa BANYAK NAMECARD sendiri. Pen dan kertas akan disediakan oleh penganjur.
Jumpa di sana di sana di sanaaaaaaa!!
Kak Wa/ SK Wardah
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