Allahamdullilah the STF basketball team has brought the VICTORY again by retaining the Piala Toh Puan Hajah Zainab for the 2nd consecutive times on May 26th 2008 at 4.20 pm @ SMSAH, Jitra.
I must admit our gals had the right level of confidence throughout the tournament to trash all our opponents (as written by a spectator in his email below). They trained very hard to defend the championship. Syukran! no major injuries and one of the key players whom suffered torn sole ligament recovered just on time to head for HSKBP. Official results for all our games:
STF vs SMSKUC 59-30
STF vs SAINA 66-04
STF vs SMSTMFP 66-14
Semi-final: STF vs SSP 41-14
Final: STF vs SMESH 48-17
Our center, Siti Amirah Binti Zainal (Mira - F5) was voted the Most Valuable Player. Sains Sabah was the runner up, Sek Seri Puteri came out 3rd and Sains Kuching was fourth.
The 3rd season of R2V has concluded . As the coordinator for the project, I wish to extend my heartiest appreciation to the following individuals and parties for their support and commitment:
* Pn Hajah Junaidi (Pengetua STF), Pen Kanan (Pn Hajah Saidah, Pn Kamisah, Tn Hj Azman), basketball teachers (En Hanif & Cik Falisha) and drivers (En Sharom & En Salleh) for the full cooperation extended throughout the season. Tanpa kerjasama padu pihak sekolah & R2V, mustahil projek ini tiba ke tahap ini. Terima kasih kerana menyokong sepenuhnya segala bentuk program yang dicadangkan oleh R2V untuk membangunkan satu pasukan yang mantap. Penghargaan juga untuk penyediaan tempat kediaman utk kegunaan jurulatih-jurulatih R2V di sekolah semenjak Disember 2007. Urusan pentadbiran, perjalanan pelajar & pengangkutan diuruskan dengan lancar.
* To the panel of coaches headed by Mr. Liew. I am really amaze with your ability to predict very accurate opponents' strategies, winning margins and your strategies to counter attack our opponents. No wonder people in the field call you 'Tok Bomoh'. I suppose the HUGE winning margin in each game is a reflection of the effort you have put in to develope the team since 2006, We don't know how to express our gratitude anymore.... Coach Halim, the ever calm & detail coach whom was always there to help coach the girls during the weekdays and his 'ever willing' attitude to learn from his Head Coach. Please extend our appreciation to yr wife, Nurul & children. Terima kasih daun keladi. SK Safina - too bad you were unable to take leave from work during the HSKBP but your coaching effort over the weekends will be remembered by the players. I can understand your frustrations when you were not able to travel to STF during the weekends due to work commitment. My husband, Sdr. Ihsan whom started as a co-coordinator of MCKK Quest-4-Glory but has moved into coaching the Dynamites as well since he has been going to STF very frequent this year. I saw and heard other SBPs struggled to find a coach.. I'm grateful to God for sending STF a panel of coaches ranging from the ages of 30s, 40s, approaching 50s & 60s. Aren't we blessed?
* Srikandi EXCOs: from the President (Kak Mariamah), VP (SK Sue), Secretary (SK Hanazita), Treasurer (SK Anis) & AJK: thank you for making my work very, very easy. Frankly, I love the phone calls when Anis would say, "K.ana, R2V nak pakai duit tak?" "How much do you need for the tournament?" My request has never, never been turned down or questioned. Excos, I truly appreciate your trust on my judgement. K.Mariamah, your forever willing to 'treat the girls for a makan & pass the bill to me' promises had delighted and motivated the girls each time I made the announcements to them prior to an important tournament. Thank you for your staunch support and concern for the progress of the project. Also, appreciate our private conversations over the phone, "berapa tak cukup, bagitau Kak Marimah..." The girls said Thank you for your Pizza treat that nite.

* To all Srikandi & Srikanda yang menghulur pelbagai bentuk bantuan & sokongan seperti berikut:
o SK Ieja - sentiasa menjadi penaja isotonic & air TESCO baik di peringkat zon mahupun kebangsaan
o SK Hana, SK Syahida & SK Lala, thank you for taking care of the junior Dynamites during our stay in Jitra & also for being their drivers. I tak termampu nak menguruskan mereka seorang. Hana, thanks for the delicious Secret Receipe Victory Cakes for both Cagers and Dynamites. Syahida, tq for providing one nite accomodation for the juniors di rumah u di UUM.
o Dua beradik: SK Eda & SK Adik (batches 82 & 83) yang datang bersama keluarga masing-masing dari Ipoh & Prai the last two days to support the girls. I salute yr commitment pulang balik dari Jitra ke Prai!
o SK Maziani & SK Dr. Rafidah from Penang for coming to cheer the girls during the final + your angpow is very much appreciated ;-)
o SK Dr. Dilla & family for stopping by at the court on their way to Langkawi. Thanks for the choclate muffins for the players.
o SK Ommeryza & SK Anis Saleha & family from Subang Jaya & Putrajaya respectively for being with us till the end. Kita bertuah kerana bukan sahaja mempunyai a panel of coaches tetapi mempunyai a panel of professional photograhers consisting of Srikanda Azemi (husband SK Omerryza) and Srikanda Yusof (husband SK Anis). Both of them were busy covering both games at the courts for the Dynamites and Cagers, majlis solat hajat at our homestay the nite before the final, majlis penyampaian hadiah at SMSAH & Cagers/Dynamites mini victory celebration at the homestay till mid-night. We can't wait to see the pictures taken. Maybe boleh put them on SK website album? Jangan lupa tahun depan di Seri Puteri ya...
o SK Safina for the sponsorship of the beautiful new shooting shirts for the Dynamites.
o Jersey sponsors: SK President, SK Wardah '74, SK Hamimah'72, Nik Noriah '72, Siti Normala '72, Hamimah '72, Sue Nafry '82, SK Mek Yam '72, Anis Saleha '87; Esty Farah '94, SK Dilla '92. The jerseys and tudung (thanks to SK Molly) won praises from other teachers and spectators at SMSAH.
o Shoe Sponsors: SK Anis Saleha '87; SK Sue Nafry '82.
o Cash Contributors: SK Datuk Zaharah, SK President, Nadzirah '80, SK Rafidah '80, SK Maznah '72, SK Maziani, SK Ommeryza, SK Anis Saleha.
o SK Dini & SK Razanah & family, SK Lia for your support & contribution during the South Zone Tournament.
o Other Srikandis & individuals who sent good luck wishes & congratulatory messages & doa sepanjang tournament and after the victory.

* STF PIBG Prez (En Zamani), VP (Lya), Excos: En Mustafa, Sis Ezah for your support & wishes. To the previous EXCO, thank you for approving financial support for the intensive camp in MCKK early this year. We look forward to PIBG continous support for the project. Cikguu Awie, tidak akan saya lupa kerana menjadi juruhebah di website stf.
* Warga MCKK: En Rauhi selaku Pengetua, PK (Cikgu Shamsudin, Cikgu Fairuz, Cikgu Roslan), Guru Bolakeranjang (Cikgu Rizal & Fatimah) di atas pelbagai kerjasama & bantuan semasa kem intensif dijlankan di MCKK awal tahun ini.
* Dynamites whom played real hard to endure the heat on and off the courts to be the champ. I've been telling you all each time, WE CAN DO IT! You all have proved to yourselves that you have the Srikandi spirit. Remember to lead life as a WINNER especially after leaving STF.
* Junior Dynamites for being the 'concierge', & supporters while learning the games & exposure to major tournament.
* Last year's Dynamites Captain SK Paen & SKs '07 & plus a few others whom I couldn't remember names & batches.
* Dyamites moms, dads, siblings, grandma & grandpa who were under the tent to cheer for their girls & granddaughter.
* MC Cagers, MC oldboys (Dato Saifuddin & Datin Lin, Sdr. Jakli, Sdr Jimmy, Sdr. Qassim, Sdr Dr. Aidi, Sdr. Riza Beg & Gina, Sdr. Nik Kamil, Sdr. Ishak Ariffin, Sdr. Azran & wife, Sdr. Latif & wife (SESMA's coach), Sdr. Helmi '07, Sdr. Pari '07, Sdr. Hazuan '06, Sdr. Asyraf '04, Sdr. Ridzwan & Pah, Cagers Capt '05-Cepe, Cagers Capt'06-Allif, Cagers Capt '07-Rahmat, Cagers' moms & dads for your support and kind wishes for STF Dynamites.

* Last but not least, Ihsan & my long-time sahabat, Pn Hajah Noriah & suami (Sdr. Kamarul) di Jitra for lending us an extra car, making arrangements for our food catering & accomodation at the homestay & penggunaan rumah Tuan/Puan utk sesi 'bersantai & bertenang' Cagers/Dynamites, serta menjadi pusat dobi utk Cagers & keluarga kami. Bagaimanalah kami nak balas jasa u sekeluarga?
I'm sure there must be individuals whom I unintentionally forgot... please accept my thanks for your contributions but my apologies for forgetting. All in all, R2V cannot bring back the VICTORY to STF without A BIG TEAM of people working hand in hand, trusting each other and heading towards the same objectives and passions.
SK Ana Abd-Jabbar
R2V Coordinator
p/s Someone related to me a remark made by some spectators: "... pasukan STF ni kalau lawan dengan boys team pun boleh menang..." bunyi funny but its an honour for the coaches. Syabas, Coaches!
Alhamdullillah, congratulations to all parties involved. We must do similar "intervention" for the school band.
Kak Julie
SPM (1980)
hebatnya dia..congrat
1st time masuk blog ni.. nice :) anyway salam perkenalana dari ghimau :) kalau ada masa ziarah lah blog aku :)
tapi mcm dah lama tak update :P
fuiyoo..hebat nih
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