Thursday, May 31, 2007

Dynamites@HKSBP 2007: Liputan hari ke 5

We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won!
We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won!
We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won!
We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won!
We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won! We won!

Victory is ours!

Updated at 4 p.m


Every we go....people want to know...
Who we we tell them
We are the Champion...mighty mighty Champion
Hey ho....hey ho......

Sapa masih ingat n visualise laungan dan sorakan seperti di atas?!

Hmm....after such a sleepless nite and pacing the floor as early as 5am this
morning, I can finally put up my feet n enjoy my cup of coffee while still
smiling from ear to ear.

Apart from rejoicing over the "Federal Court dismisses Lina Joy's appeal" to
have her religious status adjudicated.....this claiming back the trophy after 16 the best news ever!!!! Syukur Alhamdulillah....

On behalf of alumni Srikandi, we wish to salute the followings:

1. Dynamites - Gals you ROCK! You're d BOOM! Well done and for all the hard
work be assured that you all will be well rewarded. Keep up d good work sisters.

2. Coaches - Mr. Liew, Bro Halim, Bro Ise, Spena (do I miss anybody)?. You
guys are a real mentor and sumber inspirasi to all. What else can we say but
kudos to all, our hats off, thumbs up. GOOD JOB COACHES! YOU'RE THE BEST!

3. Support team - Kak Ana,'re the backbone of the team. Gals,
YOU ALL ARE SIMPLY AMAZING! Portrays such superb dedication and so inspiring to
the's not possible without you all. CONGRATULATIONS! Opps.....not
forgetting "perunding imej" team kita. None other than the sassy Molly yg
bersengkang mata 24jam menjahitkan 2 sets of capsters for the players. Glamour
betoi team kita mcm ala2 "Flo Jo" the sprinter gitu. Class lah you
Molly.....kalau ada award for the smartest and glamourous basketball outfit,
confirmlah dapat kat Dynamites! huhuhuhu......bila nak mass produce? Bole jual

4. Warga Srikandi - Congrats and a big thank you to you all as well. Your
prayers, financially support and encouragement really boost the team spirit. We
are so united in ensuring the team won the title that I strongly believe that
our prayers are finally answered. I felt so blessed to be associated with all of
you ...syukur alhamdulillah diatas kebesaran NYA. Amin......

Insyaallah, kita akan mengadakan khenduri kesyukuran. Will have to get consent
from Mdm President who has just landed in London this morning. Last but not
least lets pat ourself on the back! hehehehe.....good job STFIANS!!!!!!!

Salam sayang,
Sue Nafri (VP1 @ ex Capt 9)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dynamites@HKSBP 2007 : Liputan hari ke 4

Dup dap! Dup dap! It's the semi finals between STF and SESMA. And the score is:

So, STF will be in the finals tomorrow at 8a.m. As expected, The Dynamites' opponent will be SSP! No, this is not Deja Vu. This is so real. Let's see how the 1st team from each school will fare. Let's pray for Dynamites' success. We know you are all strong, determined and well prepared, girls! Go for it!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Dynamites@HKSBP 2007: Liputan hari ke 3

Ahhh... the Dynamites never failed to amaze us. Here's the score for today's BIG win.

Hip! Hip! Hurray!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Dynamites@HKSBP 2007: Liputan hari pertama & ke 2

This posting is supposed to really make your Monday!

Received an SMS from SK Hanazita on Sunday morning. She wrote:

52 - 34

Now, that's news! That's the opening match. Let's pray harder and patiently wait for more news.

Here's what was written in HKSBP Bulletin on Monday:

** Remind me to ask Hana whether Anis Saleha is a Dynamite basketballer or Kak Anis Saleha herself (who sponsored the jersey).

*** Okay, the picture I received just confirmed that Number 11 was 'penjaring terbanyak' and her jersey was sponsored by Kak Anis Saleha. According to Hana, the reporter published the news without verifying the facts with STF. Owh, that was hilarious, okay. Kak Anis must have been really proud to have her name published in HKSBP bulletin after 20 years graduating from STF. Moral of the story is: Don't forget to sponsor Dynamites' Jerseys in the future, you have no idea what's in store for you. :)

Updated at 10.55 a.m:

From SK Suraya Nafry's (ex-capt 9) email:

Laporan terkini from our camp, SSP probably jest "testing the water" because they sent their 2nd players for this match. So what? We actually sent our 2nd team too! looks like both teams are saving their best players for last..

Updated at 11.27 a.m:

... and we just beat another opponent!!

Updated at 4.09 p.m:

... and another victory for the day! Woohooooooo!!!! You girls did great!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hati berbunga dimalam RU

Tepat jam 3.30 petang , keluar sahaja dari kereta di hadapan Subang Jaya Holiday Villa, sambil membetulkan baju kemeja putih yang ku beli khas untuk hari ini ( dress code untuk perjumpaan hari ini ialah baju putih dan seluar/kain gelap), pandangan ku tertumpu pada sekelompok wanita hampir separuh usia yang berkumpul di lobby hotel.
Langkahku terhenti.
“ Masih kenalkah mereka padaku?”
“Macammanakah agaknya penerimaan mereka padaku?”
Ahhh….peduli apa!
Aku memberanikan diri dan meneruskan langkahku. Nasib baiklah tadi anak bongsuku berkeras memaksa aku memakai sandal hitam yang selesa ni, jika memakai kasut bertumit tinggi mesti goyah langkahku. Begitulah nervousnya aku! Masyaallah…nervous macam nak gi interview lagaknye aku ni..

Tersembul aje aku di pintu lobby, mereka yang sedang rancak berbual terdiam. Lebih 15 pasang mata tertumpu padaku.
Aku cuba mengukir senyum..( atau adakah aku menyeringai?)

“Duyong! Duyong!” seseorang berteriak.
“ Yalah! Duyonglah. Duyong. Duyong” serentak suara-suara makcik-makcik itu menjerit-jerit memanggil nama gelaran ku sewaktu di STF dulu. Mereka semua menerpa ke arahku. Tanpa kusedari aku juga terkinja-kinja meluru ke arah mereka. Hilang nervous ku. Hilang senyum ku. Mesti aku menyeringai seperti kerang busuk waktu itu!

Hingar bingar suasana di Lobby hotel. Tetamu-tetamu hotel yang lain terpinga-pinga melihat kami. Pekerja hotel di meja pendaftaran hanya mampu tersenyum, kelat-kelat manis. Apalah agaknya yang bermain di fikiran mereka..hmmm

Kamilah pelajar-pelajar yang menamatkan Tingkatan Tiga kami pada tahun 1975 di Sekolah Tun Fatimah, Johor Bahru. Inilah reunion kami yang pertama sejak 30 tahun.
Kali terakhir kami bertemu dan berpisah di bumi Johor pada tahun 1975 dulu, ketika itu kami hanyalah anak-anak manis berusia 15 tahun.
Atas idea gempak Tengku Puan Pahang, Tunku Hajjah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah dan hasil titik peluh dan usaha gigih yang tidak mengenal penat AJK2 yang terdiri dari Kak Cik, Kak Saba, Kak Kimah, Kak Asmah, Kak Radzie, Kak Cimid, Kak Midah O, Cik Limah, Noraini Mohadan, Suraidah Sulaiman dan Kak Raja Farizan, perjumpaan ini menjadi kenyataan pada hari ini 27 dan esok, 28 April 2007 di bumi Selangor.
Secara rasminya, satu pengumuman untuk Re Union ini ku lihat terpampang di lama yahoogroups stfoga dan stfbatch77 pada bulan March 2007 yang ditulis oleh Kak Saba. Zuraidah Sainan serta merta membalas dan menyatakan keinginannya untuk turut serta. Terkejut aku melihat nama itu. Zuraidah ialah kawan baikku semasa mula-mula bumi bertuah Tun Fatimah ke jejaki pada Januari 1973 ketika aku baru berusia 13 tahun. Zuraidah lah insan pertama yang bergelar teman yang berbual dengan ku di asrama itu. Zurai juga teman yang sama-sama menemaniku menangis bila terasa homesick yang teramat berat dijiwa ku pada waktu itu. Almaklumlah aku yang hanya seorang anak kampong yang bebas bergerak ke mana-mana serata ceruk rantau kampong, bermain masak-masak, bermain mak-mak dengan kawan-kawan , merasa amat payah untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan rutin harian asrama yang dirasakan begitu mengongkong di STF. Kehidupan yang dikawal tiap masa oleh deringan loceng, pada usia muda itu ku rasa amat
menyeksakan. Paling berat ialah rasa rindu yang teramat pada famili. Lagipun aku tidak pernah berpisah dari mereka sebelum itu walau untuk semalam.

‘ Duyong, aku Zurai. RU nanti kita pergi ya? Aku bagi nama engkau kat Kak Saba tau! ‘ Suara Zurai menerpa dari talipon yang ku pegang disuatu hari , diawal April.
Setelah 30 tahun, bila suara Zurai ku dengar semula, terasa mesra, penuh keyakinan dan… tua!. Ahhhh ..itu suara Zurai! Kawan baikku dulu!

Agaknya, ketika mendengar suaraku, Zurai juga berfikir dan perasan yang suaraku juga seperti suara seorang tua! Ha ha ha…ye lah…..kami sebaya dan masing-masing dah 47 tahun. Ya time flies….

Semasa ditingkatan 3 kami terbahagi kepada enam kelas. Setiap kelas mempunyai 30 orang pelajar. Dan kumpulan bekas pelajar ini mempunyai yahoogroup sendiri bernama Diawal March aku menyedari dan mula menulis ke laman web ini. Aku berkenalan semula dengan Kak Fariz, Siti Maimuda, Hairuszah, Kak Haini, Kak Cik, Kak Saba dan lain-lain yang sering menulis di situ. Dari situ juga aku mengetahui bahawa kawan-kawan ku itu ada yang menjadi doctor, pensyarah, professor madya, juruhebah RTM, cikgu dan berbagai-bagai lagi jawatan di berbagai jabatan kerajaan dan swasta. Dari hari kesehari semakin dekat Re Union semakin gementar rasanye untuk bertemu kengkawan.

Dan aku malu.

Malu kerana setelah 30 tahun tidak bertemu, aku telah membesar berkali ganda dan menambah berlapis-lapis dagu……hatta melampaui kuih lapis yang sering ku masak. Jawatan ku juga tidaklah setinggi mereka yang lain..hanya pagar dawai sahaja. Tertanya-tanya di benakku, bagaimanakah penerimaan mereka terhadapku, terutamanya teman rapat dan mesra yang dulunya ku panggil Dot tapi kini bergelar Datin Halidah! Bergulunglah lidahku memanggilnye datin je sepanjang hari….

‘ Engkau mesti tak ingat aku!’ seseorang menggenggam erat jari-jari montokku. Dia tersengih di depanku. Tanganku digoncang-goncang mesra sambil dia tertawa. Aku renung wajah itu.

Ya..aku kenal dia!
‘ Jemilah Abu Bakar!’ aku sendiri terjerit kegembiraan. Suara akukah yang menjerit itu? Masyaallah…tapi..aku ingat dia. Aku ingat sangat ngan dia.

Raaap! Aku dipelok erat. Pipiku yang terlebih serbuk penaik bak kata kak Fariz disanggingi oleh pipi Jamilah yang masih seperti dulu saiznya. Pipi kanan. Pipi kiri. Pipi kanan semula. Berapa tahun kita bersama Ella? 5 tahun? 7 tahun? Dulu masa sekolah aku tak pernah pun sentuh pipi engkau, tapi hari ini tiap pipi kawan-kawan yang lain pun turut menyentuhi pipi ku. Sebak dada teman weh.…

Betapa aku merindui kalian..!

‘Tak berapa muat tangan aku nak memeluk engkau Yong.’ Kata Roy (Datin Rohaiza).

Sume mengatakan gitu padaku tiap tubuh kami berpautan. Anehnya..,saat itu aku lansung tidak sedikit pun merasa malu atau terasa hati dengan gurauan mereka semua. Malahan tiap patah kata mereka seperti muzik ditelingaku. Aku pelok setiap seorang dari seratus lebih teman-teman ku pada hari itu tanpa rasa segan atau pun silu. Cuma Tengku Puan yang aku segan nak pelok. He he he.. Ampun, Tengku Puan…Saya segan. Lain kali I peluk you jugak…jika u izinkan.. It is not that I love you less or I remember you less, tapi I segan je…

‘Angun..! Angun..! ‘ jerit anak bongsu kesayangan Datin Dot ketika ku temui mereka di gelanggang bowling di Pins and Balls, level 2 hotel tersebut jam 5.30 petang. Kami beramai-ramai makan petang di situ. Yang masih aktif dan segar bugar berebut-rebut bermain bowling. Ku lihat Ranti Sakiman menghayun bola seperti menghayun buah pulasan aje layaknye. Kuatnye engkau Ranti ! Yang tidak berapa aktif seperti ku melayan kawan-kawan berbual, menyambut mereka yang baru sampai dan sambil itu sempat juga melayan selera di Hi-Tea yang dihidangkan di situ.

Anak comel si Dot yang berusia 4 tahun tadi menjerit-jerit tidak membenarkan aku duduk di sisi emaknya. Ha ha ha… ‘Inilah penghibur hati kami suami isteri. This miracle baby came late in life’, kata Dot. Gemercik suara anak itu memenuhi ruang Pins and Balls menagih perhatian emaknya yang sekejap dipelok orang ni dan sekejap dipelok orang tu. ‘Husband I demam, ada di bilik kat atas’, Dot berkata sedikit apologetic. Ya..itulah kehidupan. The other half will always remain a half!

Di Pins and Balls aku memelok pula Kak Haini, Ranti, Kak Pah,Tengku Norsida dan yang lain-lain yang tidak mungkin dapat kusebutkan nama mereka satu persatu di sini. Sambil memelok Tengku Norsida ku raba rambut dalam tudungnya. Dulu rambutnya panjang sampai ke ponggong. Sesiapa yang berada di STF pada tahun 73 hingga 79 pasti mengenalinya for that trademark.

‘Engkau masih berambut panjang lagi ke Shida?’. Seseorang menanyanya.
‘ Aku dah raba dah. Dah tak ada dah rambutnya’. Aku menyampok. Tg Norsida tersenyum manis. Dia masih lemah lembut seperti dulu.
‘Laki aku suruh potong ‘ katanya tersenyum. Aku membayangkan her other half got tangled in her long hair..ha ha ha.

Malam itu mulai jam 8.30 kami makan malam di Classic Ballroom, level 3. Kak Radzie memaparkan gambar-gambar lama kami sebagai montage. Suasana ballroom di Holiday Villa itu akhirnya berubah wajah menjadi seperti dewan STF lagaknya. Gambarku sewaktu di remove class bergaun pendek di porch bersama Zurai juga dipaparkan. Aku sendiri tiada menyimpan gambar itu! Camana boleh Hairuszah pulak yang ada simpan gambar tu? Mengekek-ngekek teman-teman ku ketawa . Duyong..Duyong…Namaku diseru. Ahhh…bahagianya aku!

Nasi Beriani, daging kambing, ayam panggang dan segala-galanya ku jamah pada malam itu. Semuanya sedap! Tentunya lebih sedap dari makanan yang dihidangkan di dewan makan STF tapi mana boleh tanding kegembiraan ku makan nasi minyak yang dihidangkan pada tiap malam Jumaat di sana . Pastinya lebih sedap lagi bila semuanya memakai baju kurung hijau kan?

‘ Kita pernah gaduh dulu kan Yong?’ Terperanjat aku bila tiba-tiba Kak Shahidah Ibrahim bersuara ketika membalas pelokanku. Aku cium pipinya. Rindunya aku pada mu kak. Kakak ini ialah Class Monitor ku sewaktu kami ditingkatan Enam tahun 79. Dan aku assistantnya. Aku renong wajahnya. Jarinya tidak ku lepaskan. Aku keliru.

‘Iye ke kak? Bila? Saya tak ingat pun. Kenapa kita gaduh kak?’ Aku menanya bertubi-tubi.
Cikgu Shidah hanya tersenyum.

Raap! Aku diterpa dan dipelok lagi.
“Engkau Duyong!. Ingat aku tak?’ Tuan punya tangan yang menarikku menanya. Aku terkedu. Siapa yek? Terkulat-kulat lagi.
‘Orang kampong lah! Saya pernah datang rumah kamu dulu. Kamu udah lupakan saya ke ? Rumah kita dekat-dekat.”


“ Alaaa..saya NorJariahlah..”

Norjariah ku pelok erat. Akhir sekali aku berjumpanya 32 tahun yang lalu semasa kami di tingkatan Tiga. Sesungguhnya aku rindu…

Zap. Zap. Zap.
Kami bergambar. Aku yang kebelakangan ini selalu menolak untuk bergambar bersama anak-anak dan saudara mara, tidak menolak untuk bergambar bersama-sama teman. Aku pulak yang terkinja-kinja mencelah jika nampak teman-teman bergambar. Aku tidak akan melepaskan peluang bergambar dengan kalian semua pada hari ini. Walau mukaku akan memenuhi separuh dari skrin kamera kalian …Lantaklah !

Zap. Zap. Zap.
‘Sungguh kami tak sangka berupaya mengumpulkan seramai ini teman-teman kita. Target kami pada mulanya hanyalah seramai 50 orang sahaja. Tapi hari ini hampir 120 orang yang sudi datang. Jumlah ini sangat memberansangkan. Kami berterima kasih pada anda semua yang sudi datang’ kata Kak Cik dalam ucapannya.

‘Hebat betol dia orang ni. Camana ye mereka dapat cari kita semua?’ kata Kak Haini keheranan dan kagum. Kami terkesima.

Itulah the power of will. Itulah the power of women. Kalau hati kita nak, semua boleh jadi dengan izinNya. Antara ramai tu, Kak Aida datang dari Amerika, Siti Maimuda dari Brunei, Kak Fariz dari Kulim, Su dari Batu Pahat, kak Yang Cik dari Segamat, Kak Pah dan Tg Norsida dari Kelantan. Dan seorang dari laut dalam. He he he…akulah tu! Duyong katakan. Dan entah dari mana lagi. Dari lembah Kelang yang paling ramai. Ada antara kami yang tinggal berdekatan namun mungkin tidak mengenali satu sama lain atau pun tidak terjumpa kerana kesibukan masing-masing menguruskan kehidupan berkeluarga dan berkerjaya.

Jam 1.30 pagi, setelah berkali-kali berkata akan menyanyikan lagunya yang terakhir, Tg Puan akhirnya berhenti menyanyi. Bravo Tg Puan. Rasanya Zizi menyanyi dari jam 10 malam tu sampai jam 1.30 pagi. Siti Nurhaliza patut tabik. Kami bertuah..,dihiburkan dengan suaranya yang serak-serak basah oleh seorang teman yang juga puteri seorang sultan.

Saya bangga.

Selepas itu masing-masing ada yang balik ke bilik dan ada yang balik kerumah,..seperti ku. Suami beserta anak bongsu menjemputku dalam renyai-renyai pagi itu… age must be catching up to me…Esok paginya ada juga teman-teman yang menyambong cerita sesame mereka semasa acara Taichi dan Brunch. Aku tidak turut serta kerana melayan famili adik yang singgah sebelom balik ke kampungku di Perak.

Namun tidak akan ku lupa wajah-wajah mu teman. Suara kalian masih tergiang-giang ditelinga. Terubat rasa rindu ini buat seketika. Jiwa ni aduuhhh, berbunga-bunga!
Malam itu kami bersorak gembira bila bertemu dan berpelukan. Kami bersorak gembira bila melihat teman-teman terkapai-kapai cuba mengingati nama kami, bila name tag yang dibekalkan AJK kami tutup dengan tangan. Can you believe it? Kami pakai name tags that night!

Malam itu juga air mata kami tergenang bila mengenangkan Kak Zaharah Mahwan yang dah pergi meninggalkan kita semua. Al Fatihah..

Malam itu juga kami tertanya-tanya, kemana perginya sebahagian lagi kawan-kawan yang tidak dapat dikesan dan dijejaki. Antaranya, Nor Hamimah Alias, Sabariah Hashim, Usmirah, Zuraidah Shahrin, Rosmawati, …..dan lain-lain.

Aku berjanji pada diri, jika berkesempatan akan aku cuba cari lagi kawan-kawan yang masih belom ku temui. Akan ku jejaki kau wahai Cikgu Saadiah Hashim di bumi Segamat..dan akan ku jejak kau Kak Zuraidah Shahrin di kampungmu…

Dan yang aku paling pastinya, malam itu makcik-makcik berusia 47 dan 48 tahun ini tidak segan-segan terkinja-kinja dan tertawa gembira dan puas bila menatap wajah-wajah teman kesayangan.

Alhamdulillah, Tengku Puan telah berkenan menjemput kami ke istananya di Kuantan untuk perjumpaan kami yang kedua dalam dua tahun lagi. Pada masa itu aku berharap tangan teman-teman akan dapat bertaut ketika memelukku !

Hasnah Khalid @ Duyong.

Monday, May 14, 2007

What A Woman Should Have

enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to...

something perfect to wear if the employer, or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...

a youth she's content to leave behind....

a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age....

a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...

one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...

a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...

eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal,

that will make her guests feel honored...

a feeling of control over her destiny...

how to fall in love without losing herself..

how to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without; ruining the friendship...

when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY..

that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..

that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...

what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...

how to live alone ... even if she doesn't like it...

whom she can trust, whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't take it personally...

where to go...
be it to her best friend's kitchen table...
or a charming inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...

what she can and can't accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year...

Thank you for the blessings knowing you have given to my life...

*Poem by Maya Angelou

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Treasure Hunt

Assalamualaikom sisters,

Treasure Hunt datang lagi. This time around with better prizes. Come join us. Visit for more info.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

R2V Report: May07

With or without any one of the coaches around, the Dynamites continously train - daily from 5.00 till 6.30pm. They know, this year, after losing in the final game last year, they really want to win. They do not want to have any regrets. They do not want to fail for the 2nd time.

Due to my busy schedule, this is my first coaching session after we won the Southern Zone Tourney on the 25th March. But the girls are lucky as Coach Halim is consistently around to monitor and help them with their trainings.My main task is to ensure that their fitness is up to the standards and to remind them on their basic drills.

I had 3 sessions with them. Friday- from 5.00pm to 6.30pm, Saturday morning they had to run 4 x compound within 16 minutes, and the traning sessions only started from 3.00pm to 6.45pm with solat and a tea break in between.

While on Sunday, we had another session from 9.00am till 12.00noon. SK Dalina and SK Hana joined me on Saturday afternoon, after a long drive and a shopping spree in Holiday Plaza. (they bought about 4 handbags each, not forgetting sandals too!!)

SK Dalina, who was the point guard and captain back in 1991, helped to train the girls during the game sessions.It was a great help.

At the end of Sunday's session, the girls and us had a serious discussion.As their Mid-year exams are starting on Monday, I reminded them that they should be ready by now. We, R2V members have always reminded them on how important their studies are and not to study last minute. With bad results, a player can be taken out from the team until they improved in their studies.

They were also reminded to take care of their health. From now till the 'real' day which is about 20 days from now, it is very, very crucial for each and every player. They should know what they should and shouldn't do. Despite of the 3 days tough training and fitness tests, the girls, from Form 2 till Form 5 had fun and enjoyed meeting SK Dalina and SK Hana. Who wouldn't if they were treated with the famous 'goreng pisang and sambal kicap' and had heart to heart sessions too?

Bidding them goodbye, I told them I would be meeting them either at SAKTI itself, or, I might be doing a surprise visit anytime from now till before the tournament.

We hope the girls maintain their spirits and motivation , in order to be the CHAMP this year, Insya Allah.

On behalf of R2V;

SK Spena 91

The friends we made...

When I volunteered to be one of the contributors to this Blog, I was not really thinking of what form my contributions, or the scheme, or the theme of my writing would (and should) be. I was not thinking of how on earth I was going to write a paragraph, let alone a whole page, of a decent entry in my ever so tight schedule! I was just thinking to myself – “I will cross the bridge when I reach it!” I was just too excited by the idea of working together with my Srikandi sisters, doing something which I truly enjoy – that is writing.

I have not been able to contribute much to the alumni, especially in the last four years, due to my circumstances. And so, I thought – this would be my opportunity to chip in, the way I know best, the way I feel most comfortable with.

Little did I know that I would be struggling to come up with my first contribution! I was trying really hard to think of something which everybody reading this Blog could relate to. I was juggling between wanting to write about the teachers we had during my time; the “horror” stories that lurked every now and then in everybody’s five to six years stint at the alma mater; SOME of the food (glorious food!) that never failed to tickle my taste-bud then; SOME of the food (or the so-called food) that has stuck in my mind due to its sheer inedibility; the “toings” and the “boings”; and all the other strange-sounding words and terms exclusively coined by us and only understood by us (Hmmmm, another “Dari Srikandi Untuk Srikandi”?!).

I realized that whenever I tried to recall the incidents with the teachers, the spookies, the foodies, and the wordies, there would always be one thing common running through my recollections of events – the friends that I made during my five years in STF.

Friends who were taught by the same teachers who taught me. Friends who made up nicknames for the teachers they had crushes on. Friends who made up nicknames for the teachers whose bones they felt like crushing (?!). Friends who were made the teachers’ pets (either by their own free-will, or otherwise!). Friends who respected the teachers, and friends who rightfully gained the respect of the teachers…

Friends who huddled up together during the night, taking comfort from each other under the white moz-nets. Friends who would recite the Al-Quran and Yassin and together took solace from the Almighty. Friends who would stay up all night so that you could sleep without fear. Friends who put up fronts and pretended to be brave and invincible, so that others could take comfort in their presence in facing the spookies …

Friends who ran the 100-metre sprint to the dining hall with you every time the bell rang for lunch. Friends who would take away whatever bits of food that you didn’t want on your plate. Friends who would give you their share of food when they knew it was your favourite. Friends who would bring your favourite gado-gado, and “ikan masak lemak kuning” back to your dorm every Saturday when you didn’t feel like walking that 20-meter to the dining hall that day. Friends who recited the do’a together with you at mealtimes. Friends who were thankful for the rizq’ that was bestowed upon them and laid on the table in front of them…

Friends who shared secrets of their “toings” with you. Friends who shared the same “boings” with you. Friends who helped you face your fears in facing your “toings”! (Hahaha!). Friends who conspired with you in ‘derailing’, ‘sidetracking’ and ‘blinding’ the other party in the game of “SMJM”. Friends who stuck by you – irrespective of how “toye” you were…

Friends who grew up with you. Friends who have stayed by you. Friends who doubled your joy. Friends who halved your sorrow. Friends who understood you, even when you didn’t say a word. Friends who listened to your hearts, rather than taking heart of those stupid words you blurted out sometimes (or most of the times)…

Friends who would laugh at your stupid jokes. Friends who could make you laugh even when you were in the deepest of sorrow. Friends who laughed with you, rather than at you. Friends who would laugh with you for no reason at all…

Friends who were really best of friends…

Sadly, for some of us, some of these friends are no longer with us, but, they will stay forever dear in our hearts...

Fortunately, for most of us, these friends are still our friends in the truest sense even after ALL these years…

And thankfully, for all of us, our alma mater has taught us such invaluable lessons –

… to treasure the friendship we had then,

… to value the friendship we have now,

… to nourish the friendship we had then and have now so that it will last beyond our lifetime, Insya Allah…

To all our dear friends who are no longer with us –

May Allah bless their souls.

May they rest in peace.

May the gift of friendship that they bestowed upon us, and the joy they brought us during their lifetime be a significant bekalan pahala for them for the life-after...

Insya Allah... Aamin…


Monday, May 7, 2007

MIHAS 2007 (9 - 13 May 2007) @ KLCC

Assalamualaikum and hello friends,

I would like to let you know that I will be joining the Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS) ... i.e. HALAL Hub which will be held from 10am - 7pm 9 - 13 May (9-11 May will be for corporate and companies and 12-13 open for public 9 can bring children) at KLCC Convention Centre.My BOOTH NO C03 . My company name is NURGINIAS ENTERPRISE and our label is MARRIIN. Please inform your friends and family and you are most welcome to come and see me personally there. Your support for the growth of HALAL products especially produced by small bumiputera entrepreneur like me will be highly appreciated.

3 flavours: mixed fruit, prunes & blackcurrants , dates & blackcurrants
Frozen - expire 2 years
4 Flavours: Chicken creamy, steak meat, chicken curry and apple. Party/mini size.
Frozen - expire 2 years
Sauce suitable for spaghetti/pasta, lasagna, pizza base and as dipping sauce. suitable for vegetarian
Keep for 1 year.
3 Flavours: Sweet and sour mixed fruit (acar buah), sweet mango and savory salted fish (sea bream).
Keep for 1 year

Eyerin binti Nasir
Pengurus dan Chef
Nurginias Enterprise
019-3618512 / 017-8858017
Website: www.nurginias. com

*posted on behalf of SK Eyerin Nasir

Definisi Cinta dalam Keluarga

Apakah agaknya definisi CINTA yang ditafsirkan oleh Isteri, Suami dan Anak? Mari kita kongsi bersama.

Definisi Cinta oleh Isteri:

Setiap isteri memerlukan cinta suami. Rasa cinta ini perlu diluahkan juga sekali-sekala dengan kata-kata lemah lembut dan manis, walaupun sudah ditunjukkan dengan perbuatan. Rasa cinta ini juga membolehkan si isteri atau ibu berkorban apa sahaja demi suami dan anak-anaknya, walaupun dibatasi dengan tenaga dan akal fikiran yang lemah, berbanding lelaki.Cinta itu dieja oleh isteri dengan C.I.N.T.A.

Definisi Cinta oleh Suami:

Ramai yang berpendapat, yang paling utama bagi suami ialah hubungan kelamin. Namun, itu tidak 100 peratus benar. Setiap suami, yang paling utama ditagih daripada isteri dan ahli keluarganya ialah rasa hormat. Biar tinggi mana kedudukan isteri, atau biarlah suami berada di pihak yang salah. Mereka lebih gemar dihormati terlebih dahulu sebelum mengakui kesalahan mereka. Contohnya, apabila pertengkaran berlaku antara suami dan isteri, walaupun isteri di pihak yang benar dan suami sebaliknya, adalah lebih baik sekiranya isteri mengalah terlebih dahulu, menenangkan hati suami, sebelum memperjelaskan apa yang perlu. Begitulah rasa hormat itu boleh diterbitkan, daripada sama-sama meninggi suara demi mempertahankan pendirian masing-masing. Rasa tidak dihormati ini bakal mengundang situasi yang lebih memudaratkan.Cinta dieja oleh suami dengan H.O.R.M.A.T.

Definisi Cinta oleh Anak daripada Ibubapa:

Anak-anak walau diberi limpah harta benda dan wang ringgit, tetap tidak akan merasa nikmat cinta ibubapa sekiranya tidak diluangkan masa bersama mereka. Namun, tidak bererti ibubapa tidak perlu berusaha keras untuk memenuhi keperluan material mereka. Ada petua yang mengatakan bahawa anak-anak yang dihantar oleh ibu atau bapanya ke sekolah, akan lebih berjaya. Kata-kata yang diluahkan juga perlu mengambil kira hati dan perasaan mereka yang teramat sensitif dan memberi kesan mendalam terutamanya jika diluahkan oleh ibubapa mereka.Oleh itu, cinta dieja oleh anak-anak dengan M.A.S.A.

Posting on behalf of Ira9094

Sunday, May 6, 2007

I am Muslim 2 - Other Voices: Yours


Some of you may know that I am working with Dina Zaman on an extension of her book, I am Muslim, which I also know some of you have read. I'd like to use this space to ask fellow Srikandis to consider contributing to the new project, called I am Muslim 2: Other Voices - Yours.

Do visit our website. Instructions on how you can contribute are there. Or email the team at iammuslimbook-at-gmail-dot-com.

Lastly, a hefty terima kasih to those who have contributed. You know who you are.


Saturday, May 5, 2007

My Alma Mater

30th June-2July 2006. It was my old school's 50th year celebration then. And I, not wanting to miss the event, went back to the school, which was about 5 hours ride by bus from my home. My 2 best friends (Elin & Tie) and I purposely went by bus, just to capture the feelings of being a schoolgirl again. Even though many months have past, the memory never fades. Here are some of the photos taken and I know it was not much. Some photos were too blurred and not worth sharing here.

Now that the schooldays were far behind, the friendship bond formed between each of us remains and may it never be broken. Let the srikandi spirit flows eh?

The song below was our farewell song during the last few days of high school 17 years ago. This song was originally sung by Alan Parsons. Every time I hear this song, it brings tears to my eyes. Hope you enjoy the song as much as I do.

Old and Wise

As far as my eyes can see
There are shadows approaching me
And to those I left behind
I wanted you to know
You've always shared my deepest thoughts
You follow where I go

And oh when I'm old and wise
Bitter words mean little to me
Autumn winds will blow right through me
And someday in the mist of time
When they asked me if I knew you
I'd smile and say you were a friend of mine
And the sadness would be lifted from my eyes
Oh when I'm old and wise

As far as my eyes can see
There are shadows surrounding me
And to those I leave behind
I want you all to know
You've always shared my darkest hours
I'll miss you when I go

And oh, when I'm old and wise
Heavy words that tossed and blew me
Like autumn winds will blow right through me
And someday in the mist of time
When they ask you if you knew me
Remember that you were a friend of mine
As the final curtain falls before my eyes
Oh when I'm old and wise

As far as my eyes can see

*Posting on behalf of SK Leena '89

Friday, May 4, 2007

Greetings Lovely Srikandis!

This is supposed to be the introductory entry for this Srikandi Cyber meeting place. Firstly, Assalamualaikum and wishing a very pleasant day to all readers. Initiating and moderating this blog is one of the highlights of my life. I feel honored and glad for the opportunity to gather as many budding and established writers among Srikandis. If we were to combine the years of wisdom among us, it could total up to more than tens of thousands, I guess.

This blog was started as part of the STFOGA branding initiatives currently lead by SK Sharifah Zaida Nurlisha. SK Hanazita ’91, SK Azlul Adilah ’92 and I, SK Dayang ’91 were entrusted with setting up and managing this blog. This blog was created in less than an hour upon receiving the instruction via email, thanks to IT technology and free cyber space!

Currently we are still in the midst of identifying and inviting potential and interested authors who are willing to contribute to the blog. We are not being specific on the content type and format, as this is a casual meeting place for Srikandis. We’re hoping that this can become something like a community board where Srikandis share our thoughts, musings, announcements, advertisements, promotions, news and broadcasts. Dilemmas and anger management kind of entries are also accepted and hopefully we can get a Cik Sri Siantan in the house, too!

On a more positive side, look at this blog as an extension to our existing Yahoo! groups that have done wonders to the society for the past few years.

So, why wait? I know you have got something to say here. Every posting is important to us. Email us so that we could invite you as contributors or simply drop us an email containing your entry and we’ll take care of the publishing part. Happy blogging!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Seminar Kementerian Sumber Manusia berkenaan dgn peluang pekerjaan

Terima kasih K.Dilla for inviting me as one of the contributor. Adalah cerita sket2, samada berkenaan Srikandi, sekolah, pancaragam, sukan, jenaka mahupun hal ehwal semasa.

Tapi untuk posting kali ni, nak ajak sisters to join the event below:

Seminar Kementerian Sumber Manusia berkenaan dgn peluang pekerjaan

Fees : FREE
Venue : Ground Floor, Parcel D (Kementerian Sumber Manusia) Putrajaya
Time : 10:30am
Date : 16 May 2007 - Rabu
Seats available : 40

Penceramah : Pihak Kem. Sumber Manusia

Srikandi family members, anak2 Srikandi lepasan Universiti dijemput hadir. Jangan lepaskan peluang ini.

Untuk maklumat lanjut sila contact SK Ernie/Tom @ 0162231055 to confirm ur seats before 15 May 2007.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Gulai Lemak Pucuk Labu

The dark clouds hang low over the eastern sky. They have been gathering there for a couple of weeks now but the long awaited rain is still nowhere to be seen. The weather forecaster simply reads; 'Light shower is expected here and there in late afternoon' ... very unconvincing. Sometimes I think we have become too secular that we refer to the weather as quoted by the weather forecast. Perhaps I would feel more comfortable if it reads; Light shower is expected in the late afternoon, InsyaAllah... (I wonder if there was weather forecast on UAE or Suadi's tvs?, and whether they say InsyaAllah)

On ANZAC day I sacrificed my warmth 3-layered doonas with the freezing cold wind in my backyard. The 'light shower' was finally here. The late summer rain which brought some hailstorms into Canberra in February has turned my backyard into a savanna grassland (We sometimes imagine that our 2 cats are a leopard and a panther) Something good did happen though. Some pumpkin seedlings sprouted out of my compos. They grow lush and wild. It's too late for pumpkin but I let it grow anyway, hoping that I could pick up the shoots and make 'gulai lemak pucuk labu'. ...Hemmm... Gulai Lemak Pucuk Labu.

I'm also watching my 2 survival pumpkins growing bigger by the days. My very first pumpkins since I was 10 growing up on the rich soil of Tanjung Karang where anything you throw out of the window would turn into sweet juicy fruits or vegetables six months later (of course, discounting my red Johnson shoe or my kekabu doll handsewn by mum thrown out of the window by my big brother) I thought my mum cooked the best gulai lemak pucuk labu. Why shouldn't she? We had fresh coconut, organic pumpkin and pumpkin shoots.

I thought my mum was the best cook in the world until I went down south to live with some 300 or so girls from different parts of the country. That was when my taste buds started going haywire. Sometimes we had this meeting with our caretaker whom we called "matron". She was quite scary. Somehow, it was my first introduction to 'democracy'. During these meetings we got to elect our dorm committee, supper-room and dining committee etc. We could also voice out our grievances. Some seniors complained that the fried chicken tasted like plastic and the uniforms we sent to the laundry were shrunk and too crisp they cut our arm pits. I did not bother much about these meetings though, as I ate whatever was served and I looked forward particularly to the Wednesday lunch menu - nasi putih, gulai lemak pucuk labu, anak selar goreng and sambal tumis ikan bilis or telur . Yummm.....

Snip,snap,snip, snap.... I cut off the pumpkin shoots and throw them into my laundry basket. Ouch... they are too prickly, aren't they? How the hell did those 'makciks' in our hostel kitchen cook 'gulai lemak pucuk labu' for 300 young girls? Kak Zai said, 'You roll it between your palms'... ouch, ouch...OUCH!!!!!For the last 2 days the pumpkin shoots lay dead in my laundry basket. Like the rain, my gulai lemak pucuk labu is no where to be seen. Perhaps, I too should adjust my taste buds accordingly. Roast pumpkin and barbeque ribs or buttery pumpkin soup would do.


However, I shall remain,

Yours truly,

*posted on behalf of Maklabu